

All Made in Germany

Myslime za Vás ...

Našou prioritou je poskytnúť Vám...

Našou prioritou je poskytnúť Vám komplexne služby, ktoré Vám pomôžu byt tam kde bude Vaša konkurencia zajtra.

Všetky naše produkty sú vyvíjane, produkované a plnené v Nemecku. Sme veľkoobchod zabezpečujúci komplexne B2B služby našim zákaznikom logistika, výroba etikiet a CPNP registrácia výrobkov.

Všetky naše produkty sú bezetiketové a teda umožňujúcu priestor pre vytvorenie novej, Vašej značky.



EU cosmetic regulation 1223/2009:

„Only cosmetic products for which a legal or natural person is designated within the Community as ‘responsible person’ shall be placed on the market.“

You can resell our products as a responsible person or distributor.

In the case you identify us as the responsible person on the label of your product (after prior approval by both parties) and you will act in the EU Community as a distributor, we are responsible for the product listed under EC Regulation 1223/2009 and provide you with all necessary documentation (PID, MSDS,samples for the products label, CPNP registration)

Help and consultation We can also provide you with assistance if you want to act as a responsible person in the Community.



Our team is fully at your disposal and ready to give you professional advice in the following areas:

Products - select, user manual, new trends
Logistics - choose the best option for product delivery
Legulatory - product registration, labels

For clients outside the EU, preparation of customs documents for the shipment.



Delivering our products at discounted shipping rates and delivering speed is one of our priorities.

Would you like arrange to pick up your order yourself?

Any problem, we´ll be prepare all documents and the entire order for a pre-agreed date.